Amy Price

A few weeks ago, I was in a funk. I just couldn’t seem to get myself out of it. Finally I sat down and thought deeply about what practices have helped me find peace in the past and what is bringing me joy now. This was the result. Here are ten questions I ask myself daily. I don’t plan or expect to be able to check them all off each day, but they help ground me in the present when I want to fly off the handle with anxious thoughts. So. If they help you too, you are welcome to use them. Feel free to adjust or customize as needed:

  1. How have I moved my body today?

Just thirty minutes of exercise (walk, jog, dance, whatever–you don’t need BeachBody or Peloton!) triggers the release of endorphins in your brain.  Endorphins are basically magic.  They produce a response similar to that of morphine, lifting your mood and energy level.  Endorphins also lower your body’s experience of pain.  No time for a big workout?  Just go for a walk, even around the block.  Throw an impromptu dance party in the kitchen!  Movement reminds me that I’m not just a brain or a ball of emotions–I’m a body, a person, and I’m grateful.

  1. Did I write in my journal?

When I feel off-kilter, this is usually my first check.  Journaling is sometimes narrative, sometimes poem, but often…lists.  Bullet points marking items I’m anxious about, angry about, or for which I’m grateful.  It’s the fastest way to get emotions outside of myself, so that I can see them clearly and respond in a healthier manner.

  1. What did I read today?

Am I reading fiction for fun?  Am I reading to learn?  Or am I just reading the frantic updates to Facebook or the vicious words of the many keyboard warriors in the comment section?

  1. What did I listen to today?

Did I listen to bands that I enjoy?  An interesting podcast?  Alternatively…what voices am I listening to today?  That voice in my head, the one who says “Who do you think you are?”…is that who I am listening to?

  1. Have I spent time by myself?

Introvert or extrovert, we need to feel comfortable in our own skin.  I’m a full-on extrovert, but I need a break from people too.  Especially now as a parent, I find myself more in need of alone time to remember what I need, not just what my kids need.

  1. Am I drinking enough water?

The answer is probably no.  Fill ‘er up!  I tend to keep a tall insulated tumbler filled with ice water (or two) in the house all the time.  It has a lid and a straw so I feel secure carrying it from room to room, especially since I’m on the floor with the kids.  You can even download an app like Daily Water Tracker or HydroCoach that will remind you when it’s time to chug.

  1. Did I go outside today?

“The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world’s joy.” Henry Ward Beecher

In our neighborhood, all the mail is delivered to a central mailbox on the next street, so to get the mail requires a brief walk.  In the winter time, I craved being outside so much that I would gladly walk to the mailbox, even on the coldest of days.  

  1. How have I used my hands today?

At first, I wasn’t sure about including this question.  Shouldn’t it be a part of the Question #1?  But what we do with our hands can be far different than what we do with the rest of our body.  Maybe I’m really asking: What did I create today?  Who did I soothe today?  What did I hold onto and what did I let go?

  1. How much sleep did I get last night?

You. Need. To. Sleep.  And you know that.  Set a timer and go to bed.  Tell Netflix you’re no longer watching.  The Mayo Clinic estimates that most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep.  I don’t know many adults, especially parents with young kids, who get that.  Sleep is so necessary to your health.  We prioritize vitamins, exercise, healthy eating…why cheat sleep?  

  1.  What made me smile today?

The best part of this question is that answering it will make you smile again!

Hoping this brings you some peace this week!

Categories: Personal


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