Ode to the Girl Dad

My husband and I have three daughters: the oldest is almost five, the next is almost two, and our bonus baby is almost born. He is a certified Girl Dad, and even has the shirt to prove it. I grew up with a sister, no brothers, so a female-dominated household is my normal. My husband […]

Through Her Eyes

My body has been both my friend, my enemy, and somewhere in between. My mind and body are usually at some sort of tense stalemate, like roommates bound by a lease agreement but not much else. I’m proud of and grateful for how my body grew and nourished two (going on three) babies, and while […]

Fancy Shoes

“Mommy, I’m going to get fancy!”  My four year old bounded into my closet as I changed out of pajamas into (you guessed it) leggings and a loose-fitting top.   “Okay, kiddo,” I replied, walking to the sink to wash my face.  I scrubbed, dried my face, pulled a curious baby out of the shower (much […]

My baby turned one and I didn’t cry

My baby turned one and I didn’t cry. My baby, my second-born baby, turned one and I didn’t cry. My last, final, no-more-pregnancies-please baby turned one and I didn’t cry. I wondered…am I sort of heartless? Are my emotions so worn out from the roller coaster of 2020 that I can’t access them without trauma? […]

Tough Skin, Tender Heart

It finally happened today.  I looked up to hear you protesting, “I want to play, too!” as the other kids ran away.  Your shoulders slumped, tears threatened to roll down your cheeks, I saw you standing dejectedly on the edge of the playground.  “Mommy, they called me a baby, they said I couldn’t play with […]

When You Feel Stuck In First Gear

Motherhood has slowed my pace immensely.  My dad used to joke that I only knew how to burn the candle at both ends.  But after the birth of my second daughter, I realized there would be days in the future for racing and sprinting.  But these days are for first gear.  Keeping pace with our […]

Letter To My Littles

I often wonder how history will tell the story of these days.  You are so little, I doubt you will remember the details.  My mother used to talk about the Challenger space shuttle explosion of 1986 and how that impacted her as a young mom.  I have no memory of that, but I have a […]