Amy Price is a wife, mom, daughter, sister, neighbor, friend. Amy has a B.A. in Youth Ministry from Malone University, and a M.Div in Practical Theology from Ashland Seminary. While most of her peers rambled about church fathers, Amy focused on making faith accessible and applicable to the eighth graders she taught on Sundays. She is an ordained pastor in the United Methodist Church, though on a semi-permanent sabbatical to focus on her family. Amy thinks and feels deeply, second-guesses nearly every decision, and loves to laugh. Her fifth grade teacher told her she would never be able to write well, and here we are: two blogs, one master’s degree, and a few hundred essays and sermons later. Here’s to those who doubt us! Amy is a 1w2 on the Enneagram, an ENFJ on Myers-Briggs, and prefers Backstreet Boys to NSYNC. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two daughters. Speaking inquiries should be directed to amypricewrites@gmail.com or by using the form below.